Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Finding Happiness...Here's How!

I found this on pinterest and realized why I'd been happier lately.  I was following this brilliant (unnamed) person's advice, though I hadn't even heard it before.

I've noticed that when one area of your life starts to flourish, another one is tanking. It makes sense, since you can't be 100% committed to everything all the time (which goes back to my second post about managing your time). We have to figure out what is most important and focus our energy/time/passion there. But you can't say "family" and then give that 100% and neglect everything else. Trust me, it won't work.

Instead, try the advice above and find a few hobbies you like.

  1. I wish we were all able to make money via a beloved hobby; unfortunately, this is a rare blessing. If you have it-CONGRATS! If you don't, see if one of your hobbies can turn into some extra spending (or giving) money. It's an amazing validation that you really are good at that skill and turns a hobby into a valued profession.
  2. Now, I will admit I'm taking the "keep you in shape" a bit figuratively and assuming it means both physically AND mentally. ;)  One of my hobbies lately is keeping current on writing for the web.  This is great for hobbies (like writing this blog) but also for the writing I do professionally.

    This probably also encompasses physical shape, though, and I can attest to the fact that when I am moving more, I feel better. When I was making time for my runs 3-4x/week, I felt like my stress levels are lower and my patience levels are higher. If you have kids, I would highly recommend twenty minutes of complete and utter silence...and what better way to multi-task (which every mother I know is required to be proficient in) than to jog or bike alone (or silently with a friend) and have the added benefit of physical exercise and increased endorphins! Win for you and for your family, who will appreciate the new (more serene) version of mom.
  3. Ah...to be creative.  If you're on pinterest or instagram, you may have noticed all the phases people go through of creative hobbies. For me, September was sunset photos, October was fashion, November has been re-learning the art of crocheting. It's okay to bounce around...that keeps things fresh and fun. And don't be scared to try something new, even if it's just for a month. You might find that you like it and maybe it will turn into something that fulfills requirement 1 or 2!  
The circle of happiness! :)

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