Monday, March 10, 2014


There is nothing that makes me feel more loved and happy than when I have someone's full and undivided attention. *sigh*  Think about that for a moment and just savor the feeling: you, someone you really enjoy spending time with, and nothing else...just shared stories, laughter, and eye contact.

In today's world of electronics and autopilot multitasking, this is a rare occurrence! But are we really doing more by doing so many things all the time?
As Publilius Syrus said, "to do two things at once is to do neither." 
Since I am more aware of my clutter--and have sadly decided that Pinterest, Facebook, and Instagram are within this category--I decided to declutter my life for an entire Sunday and offer the gift of undivided attention to my children.

I kept my phone buried in my pocket (except for one quick photo...see side pic) and did nothing but live in the moment.

We went to the mall for pretzels, balloons, and penny tossing in the "wishing well" then we headed to the neighborhood playground, kicked the soccer ball, rode bikes, chatted/played with the neighbors, and ran around with our dog.

At the end of the day, my son said, "Mom, this was my best day ever." And at dinner that night, when we did "good day/bad day" sharing, both my kids said, "I didn't have any bad today!"

They were elated, which made me elated.

When was the last time you were living in the moment?  When was the last time you gave someone your complete attention?

Such a simple gift but it might just mean the world to the person who receives it.

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