Sunday, April 13, 2014

The Beauty in Giving

In the same vein as my last post, does money really buy us happiness, I'm asking you to watch this video. It might not bring you to a higher level of happiness; in fact, it might make you cry.  But I've never seen the message delivered this beautifully before: 

"what does he get in return..? He gets nothing. He won't be richer. Won't appear on TV. Still anonymous. And not a bit more famous. What he does receive are emotions. He witnesses happiness. Reaches a deeper understanding. Feels the love. Receives what money can't buy. A world made more beautiful.
And in your life? What is it that you desire most?"

Think about that.  What do you desire most?  A new car, a bigger house, a new pair of shoes, the latest iPhone...whatever it is...if you got it, would you EVER achieve the level of happiness that is visible when he sees the young girl in her school uniform?  When he sees the crabby, over-worked older lady smile and give extra to a customer?

So many times, the world tells us what will make us happy. Advertising spends BILLIONS convincing us that we need this product or that life.  What if they are wrong?

I'd like to start trying to live the simple kind of life in this video; where less is more and searching for a way to help and make an impact is how I "shop".

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

money CAN buy happiness

I think we've all said this to ourselves at one point or another; "I know being rich won't make me happy...but I'd like to learn that lesson for myself."
And you've probably heard the horror stories of lottery winners whose lives were ruined.

Well, Michael Norton (a social science researcher) actually conducted a survey on how a little money impacted the short-term happiness of college students. I found the study incredibly interesting.
View his Ted Talk here.

Turns out, if you get a little bit of money to spend on anything you want, it doesn't really impact you. Or if it did increase your happiness level, it wasn't for long.  However, if you get a little bit of money and you GIVE IT AWAY, you are happier and for a much longer period of time.
And it was noted that the money didn't even have to be spent on anything super meaningful, they attained equal happiness whether they gave a Starbucks gift card or money for a medical procedure...just the process of GIVING brought happiness.

I'd like to test this out. :)
I am going to give away a $20 Starbucks gift card.  The catch?  It's not for you. :)  You will win it but then you get to give it to someone else.
So if you want a chance to find a little extra happiness this week, post a comment below with the name of the intended gift card recipient if you win. Then share this post with all your friends! It's important; their happiness level is at stake!
The winner will then get to write a post about how he/she felt sharing that gift.  Let's see if money really can buy happiness...when it is given away.
I will pick the winner Friday (4/18) at noon.  Good luck!